Internship 2/19 - Part Two!

I know have I already blogged about this day at my teaching internship (refer back to the last blog...) BUT there were a few more smaller tidbits I learned (and that I wanted to share) that seemed like they needed their own blog post!

The first thing... 

... was how the teacher started off today's class and how she starts off most classes, with an attendance question! For attendance, instead of just calling out the student's names and having them say "here", she will write a question on the board and when she calls out a student's name during attendance role call they will answer the question! I thought this was really cool because it's usually an interesting get-to-know-you question, like today's question was "share something interesting that happened to you over the long weekend". I think this is a great way for teachers to continue to get to know their students every day of the year instead of just the first week of school. This way you can continue creating a bond and a relationship with ALL your students throughout the year, and it's fun for the students as well! The teacher usually answers the question as well, along with any paras in the room so that the students can get to know them too! It really helps in creating a community atmosphere, and I would really love to incorporate this into my future classroom someday! Also, you may be thinking that this takes up too much class time and that it would drag on for a while, but you would be amazed at how quickly this went and that it didn't take up any work time at all!

The second thing... 

... is that usually during the passing period I am out in the locker area monitoring the halls with the other teachers, and during this time today, the principal came over to chat! He is very kind, very knowledgeable, and very funny! I always enjoy visiting with him. Today when he came through the 7th grade pod he was talking about the differences in teaching middle and elementary school, and how most people are afraid of teaching middle school. He said to me, and I'm paraphrasing here...

"Teaching middle school is like the first sip of coffee, the first time you try it it can be bitter and unpleasant, but once you get used to it you can't go a day without it because you love it so much"

and I couldn't agree more!! I might be using this quote now every time I tell someone I want to be a middle school teacher, and they make an ugly face at me and ask "WHY?!"



  1. I LOVE the attendance idea/procedure. What a great way to wake up those little brains early in the day!!


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