Educators Rising State Conference and Competition!

A couple weeks ago our Teacher Ed class traveled to Emporia University for the Educators Rising State Conference and Competition! If you remember last semester I wrote a blog about when our class went to MNU for the Educators Rising Regional Conference, and this past week it was time for the state conference!

We weren't presenting like we did last time, but we did have quite a few people who had done well at the regional competitions and qualified to compete at the state level! Even though I didn't do a competition at the regional conference, I did get to compete at the state conference because we had several people on one of our teams that couldn't make it, so I subbed in for them and competed on our Ethical Dilemma team! Our competition went really, really well and I was very proud of how we did despite not having the full team there to compete! AND we qualified to go to nationals in D.C. in June!! Woohoo!! Unfortunately, I will be with my family on vacation the same week and won't be able to go with the team to compete! But, I am still very proud of our accomplishment and for qualifying, and I know the team will still do great at nationals without me!

Our Ethical Dilemma Competition Team! 

Along with competing at the conference, I got to go to one of the informational learning sessions! I loved the session I attended! It was over the different learning styles, what are the strengths and weakness of each learning style, and how to adapt to those in the classroom! What I loved about this session is that it wasn't just a lecture, but it was an interactive and most of the time was actually spent doing activities! There was about 30 people at this session and we all started off by taking a quiz to determine what learning style we were! Going into this session I thought I was a visual learning, but I was surprised to see that my results said that visual learning AND kinesthetic learning was tied for my #1! We broke off into smaller groups after finding out our quiz results, and I got to learn more about the kinesthetic learning style. As I was learning more about it I was surprised at how accurately it described me and how I learn best! Our small groups each made an informational poster on our learning style, and if you know me you can probably read the information and spot the similarities...

Our Group's Poster Over Kinesthetic Learning

The Quiz and an Informational Article on Kinesthetic Learning

Overall I learned a lot at this session about not only the different learning styles and how to accommodate them in the classroom, but about myself as well! and I had tons of fun while learning it!

The conference was very successful and I had a lot fun competing, attending sessions, and meeting new people and friends! A very fun and informative day indeed! It makes me sad I can't attend the national conference, but I know all those who go from my class will definitely have an amazing time!


  1. It's always good to learn more about your personality type, or learning type in this case. It will help you be a better teacher (by understanding your students) and also self-improve when you know your stronger and weaker traits. Great job in the competition!!!


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